Story Chest: Maya Myths

Story Chest: Maya Myths

6 Episodes

Join Professor Hyll in the museum to explore six animated Maya Myths, as well as learn more about the Maya culture.

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Story Chest: Maya Myths
  • Hurricane and Serpent

    Episode 1

    Join Professor Hyll in the Museum. In this episode we find out when the Maya were, learn about the main Gods of the Maya Pantheon and hear the story of Hurricane and Serpent: the Mayan origin myth.

  • The Hummingbird Bride and The Choosing of the King of the Birds

    Episode 2

    We hear two short fables from Maya Myths and explore the lessons behind them. We also look at the role animals play in presenting morals and lessons in myth.

  • The Discovery of Corn

    Episode 3

    We hear about the Maya Myth of the discovery of corn. In the Museum, the Professor explains how cultures mythicise what they value most. We also learn about the structure of the Maya Universe and world.

  • The Legend of Xtabay

    Episode 4

    We hear the Legend of Xtabay: a ghostly figure that haunts the Yucatan forests. The Professor explains how this myth dares to be different when it comes to beauty and being a good person.

  • Legend of the Hero Twins

    Episode 5

    The Twins of Maya Legend visit the Underworld to play a game of ball with Gods in a myth about learning from past mistakes. In the Museum: the Professor demonstrates how the Maya used tiles to count and write numbers.

  • Matactin and the Sun

    Episode 6

    We hear the love story of Matactin and the Sun, and how the girl became the Moon. In the museum, Professor Hyll talks about the different sources and versions of mythic stories, and an overview of how the Maya culture ended.